Akira - the 1988 Japanese animated science fiction film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo, based on his manga. Cyberpunk-themed Tokyo 2019, tells the story of Kaneda, a leader of a local biker gang who must stop his friend Tetsuo Shima from using his newly awakened superpowers. ( you need repeated viewing to appreciate this complex anime ) This is Kaneda's bike. Designed by Arvo brothers, users can purchased them directly. so a China company named Xing Bao worked with them and mass produced their stuff. Price hovering around RM130 - 120 - depending on your luck. The problem is you need a lot of super glue as Xingbao's brick is soft, so it can break apart when you build them. I done so many modifications as certain parts doesnt need to be complicated especially the handle and the front portion. as a display set - it looks good. You will see this red machine in Ready Player One as the license is owned by Atari. This is the problem about pop culture merchandisings, too many l...