Logo Design

tv series now ( like Fargo, Game of Thrones ) will throw us surprises, plot twist and thickens ( at times choke us ), threw us a curve ball and left us hanging in the finale.Unpredictable just like the politics arena. I shunned myself from the local politics happening for quite some time but bear in mind - it doesnt mean that i IGNORE what is happening.

plus i voted too ok.....

Every ruling party must have an opposition party, you see being the opposite is like being the Yin to the Yang, the sun to the moon, being a watchdog or whatever you call it la. Either you be a Democrat or a Republican....simple right?....but here we have 1 ruling party against 4 or 5 opposition parties. Most of opposition parties came out from the ruling party and now this coalition is led by the former prime minister.

Its like the kids from the family doesnt like dad and decided to go against him. Dad divorced his wife, remarries another wife, joins the kids - together goes against his ex-wife.

Yes, im shaking my head while writing this.

Anyway what caught my eye is this, this is one of the opposition party, called Parti Amanah Negara or known as PAN is a splinter party from PAS.

this logo reminds me of one those forgetful institution which i left years ago...


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