
Showing posts from July, 2019

Govt Scheme


Am I Worthy?

when Thor lost all his swagger, defeated and blamed himself for not killing Thanos and all the lives lost in Infinity War ( where he should gone for the head - he did ), he dig down deep inside, have a pep talk with Frigga, stretched out his hand for the Mjolnir and got back a litre of worthiness back. i found myself not worthy when i first stumbled upon the works of the Italian masters namely Leo and Mikey. The moment i mentioned their names, the theme song of the Ninja Turtles blared through my subconscious. That is why The Renaissance is one of my favorite lectures/sharing sessions in my art history classes.  How Mikey carved a fucking form from a marble made me stop drawing for months. Mind you its not a drawing but a freaking sculpture. This is before he took 4 years of his life to produce the mind-blowing Sistine Chapel. I dont want to talk about Mikey as i can go on and on. Balai Seni Negara brought all the reproductions at the actual size, displayed trough projectio


it's extremely nice to go unto a digital detox, stay offline for days. The mind is clear, focused from rubbish happening around the world. Its been while i wrote about something but this - my man, i have to write about it. Last year, a minister launched a logo to promote tourists to come to our country. When it comes to logo design - there are so many issues and complications to handle. Fonts, colors, lines and whatever is poured unto it. There will be arguments, endless comments and hours of justifications and artistic liberation and commitments involved. we are now in the 21st century, where Tokyo soon will incorporate robots unto their Olympics, so when the former Tourism minister Nazri Aziz launched a logo with orang utan and a turtle with ray ban - the whole country blew their top. First, few of my pals who works in the print industry told me that it was a nightmare to get the right color code and whatever fuck the gradient percentage is. But my gripe is the tagline