
Akira -  the 1988 Japanese animated science fiction film directed by Katsuhiro Otomo, based on his manga. Cyberpunk-themed Tokyo 2019, tells the story of Kaneda, a leader of a local biker gang who must stop his friend Tetsuo Shima from using his newly awakened superpowers. ( you need repeated viewing to appreciate this complex anime )

This is Kaneda's bike.Designed by Arvo brothers, users can purchased them directly. so a China company named Xing Bao worked with them and mass produced their stuff. Price hovering around RM130 - 120 - depending on your luck.

The problem is you need a lot of super glue as Xingbao's brick is soft, so it can break apart when you build them. I done so many modifications as certain parts doesnt need to be complicated especially the handle and the front portion.

as a display set - it looks good. You will see this red machine in Ready Player One as the license is owned by Atari. This is the problem about pop culture merchandisings, too many licensing and when there is too many parties involved, the prices goes higher. 


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