Move On

alot of people is not happy about this and that. Is there a need to fill all your precious time with the things, criticism, opinions that you dont like?

Mr C said something about you, you dont like it - move on
Mr C said something nice about you, you like - move on also
why we move on?
unless Mr C paid your bills,meals, make you a better person - if yes we can consider it.

Let's put it literally
someone thrown a shit to you, do you want to take the shit around, show it around, share it and make a big deal about it? That is bodo.....go and cuci the shit.

Its not about other's perception towards you, the criticism thrown to you, its all about HOW we take it and put it aside and MOVE ON.

praise and insult works in the same way ok. Tolong paham.

another thing we need to investigate and reflect is - what makes people throw the shit to you at the first place.
believe me - Everything happen with a reason.
I rather and want people throw me money, honey and flowers.
Nicer kan.....


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