Rejected Angel, Jack Daniels and Ismail Hashim

Back in 2005 - 2007, i given up on the fine arts scene entirely, the irony is i lecture Art History pulak ( life can be funny ). So i had so much fun introducing Van Gogh, the Renaissance turtles, how the artists are disillusioned with the world and created DADAism. ( bukan buah dada ok ), so the students were asked to toy ( re-contextualize -, revamp - remix ) all the classics works in the final projects. Mind you few of them made me like jump like a kid during their presentation.

like below

in 2009, the universe gave me an opportunity to toy something, someone passed me a form of Open Art Exhibition organized by Penang State Museum. The exhibition theme is MUSIC. So i thought lets do something that is playful, relevant and yes screw the organizers up. Rather than buying the old boring canvas and all that jazz, i decided to draw behind a Jack Daniel's banner. The one that you got from the pubs.

A rejected angel, he got banned from heaven coz he plays the music too loud.

I  have close pals who works as full time musician in the pub, so imagine playing Hotel California for 500th time....but what to do....cari makan.

So i roll it up and thank god my pal Bobby was around and yes he'e heading to Penang,so i asked him to send it on my behalf. What i forgot is, that it's a banner and it needs a fishing string to hang it up.

here is the funny part....

My pal Bobby installed the string in the USM masjid, ( of all many places he can go, he choose masjid to do this ) it was rolled up and when he opened was a Jack Daniels liquor banner, few people in the masjid stared at him.........luckily that time there was no controversy about halal or haram...( worst kena balun )..i laughed so loud when he told me this.

Bless you my friend. Even my pal Zof thought im nuts and thought it will never get it chosen or displayed.

Bobby with the rejected angel 
First of all - my intention is to toy around. Trolling people is fun as you can see in any fine art exhibition, everyone attended is busy projecting themselves as intellectual and serious. Amende la.....Lo and behold - the piece was selected and chosen as a consolation prize......I was amazed. Then i got to know the head jury.

rupanya Ismail Hashim or we call him fondly Pak Mail....

late Ismail Hashim
Pak Mail is our photography lecturer, unassuming, humble and super duper talented ( he reminds me of my dad ). His photography doesnt fail to capture simplistic settings / everyday objects ( very verite and its not staged ).

Plus his drawing skills power giler.

one of my favourites - by Ismail Hashim
And yes - he plays the saxophone too.In the exhibition catalog - he wrote

Bagi Hadiah Saguhati, karya "St Octave - Rejected Angel Musician from the Gate of Heaven " memperlihatkan kemahiran melukis ( drawing and draughtmanship ) oleh pengkarya, disamping idea 'debaran' music kini yang hendak dinyatakan. 

You see - any Tom, Dick and Harry can comment,but when your SIFU/GURU ( whom you regard highly ) mentioned your skills is okay, it made my Pak Mail didnt see my work, he READS it.

That is a big difference.

Or maybe the Jack Daniels played a role too. ( Pak Mail understand the word sublime and being cheeky too ) - orang tua punya nakal is awesome tau.

So from the idea of trolling - making fun of a situation gave me an important lesson until today - just be honest, plus u need few gila trusty friends along the way and inject fun as much as possible as life is way way too short for seriousness.

To the late Ismail Hashim - rest in peace.


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