Everyone got their own story to tell, but tell me - how you need to tell a story about someone else, someone who is talented and already covered by someone...... www.selfmadehero.com im talking about Pablo Picasso. Published in 2015 under Self Made Hero publications, divided unto 4 issues, Julie Birmant and Clement Ouberie framed Picasso thru the eyes of his close friends and muse Fernande Olivier. Fernande This graphic novel covered sociological, situation and elements what made Picasso a Picasso. Its narrative is massive yet so focused especially when it comes to dealing complex relationship of Spaniard with poet Guillarme Appolinaire and Max Jacob. Of coz for the many, when people introduced to the Cubists, they will whisper to themselves that they able to do this. Weeping Woman Before Picasso found ways to compress time, multiple perspectives and space into a single frame, seduced/enticed by the raw powers of the African Aborigine primal masks - he too was painti...