
Our consumption changed in the 21st century. We no longer have patience to wait weekly - we download the whole package and binge at one go, like how we consume Pringles, content shelf life now turn shorter, periodically, any monthly content materials is now over.......OVER.

News getting shorter, we now consume information like crazy and i wonder what sort of data remained - retained in our consciousness? The quest of taking own sweet time now is a freaking luxury while everyone ran faster in the rat race and subsequently get sick and yes die faster.

Therefore every industry, the importance of re-inventing is important and i need to highlight the importance of CONTENT. In the 80's we have so many ideas churned out from left to right - ranging from an archeologist to space wars, cybernetic cop not forgetting monsters and various blood thirsty monsters. Sunday cartoons with bears spewing heart shaped powers to alien family of cats and the battery powered Ultraman. Now, all properties scattered all around is slowly gobbled and curated by one big corporation namely DISNEY.

So now Genting trying to trump Disney's ass in court as they made a deal with FOX for their theme park.

Disney cancelled it under the justification that GENTING is a fucking gambling industry. Lately Disney been making so many dick moves. Like how James Gunn, Phil Lord and Chris Miller got fired. Who wants to see SIMBA in the casino right? I was salivating seeing FOX who owned the rights of the Fantastic Four, Aliens and Predator - notably the X-Men family, so coming back unto one fold is enticing as i need to see them to be treated in a rightful way. I dont know how many times i have to nurse my broken heart seeing how the license is handled, packaged and resold in countless ugly lousy reboots. The last Predator helmed by Shane Black put the final nail unto the luminous green hunter coffin.

So how to deal wwith this? Suing Fox and Disney will take so much time, while GENTING already splurged almost 700 million unto their so called theme park. They simply need to find some studios with sell-able content, who able to entertained all these kids and parents.

Universal perhaps? They are smart enough to reboot the Transformers and G.I Joe. Movie studios is smart enough to milk more cash by turning all their purchase unto something else. Mind you, Back to the Future remained in the dusty storeroom. Soon enough, someone will pay some decent money to resuscitate it.

Turn it to musical, turn it to a something. Someone is digging to Prince back catalog and will turn it to musical.


Well just head to Netflix, even though they have to pass over all their Disney license, they still have decent materials to be reinvented to countless ways. NARCOS, Stranger Things.....phewwwwww. They kept on spending more money on content and have no qualms of digging into their deep pockets to produce notable contents. When Disney saw this, they decided to go out so big and mind you, they are filthy rich with so many gold in their pocket.

So what im trying to highlight here is the importance of creating new content which able to create more opportunities, something which our local industry doesnt know what im writing here.

Take a look at Amazon Prime, they got the LOTR license, adapting sci-fi literary novels to TV series. AMC got their Breaking Bad and the money printing machine in the form of the Walking Dead. Warner Brothers still smarting some moves with the DC properties and at the mean time, they have Harry Potter materials to keep the gravy train chugging along. Here our 61 year old country still begging for alms from the government to create a film to cater 26 million plus Malaysians. God damn it. Same narrow minded materials. Forget the TV, no such thing as seasons. One of the theme park is losing money in Ipoh coz no one understand how it works and it doesnt relate to them.

Unless the Upin and Ipin take it over.

The future is so unbelievable and so bleak. Its worst than a black hole, its a rubbish bin containing so much rubbish and yet people still got money to produce more crap. The producers will blame that the audience will not buy tickets seeing them, but what i love is Mamat Khalid's Hantu Kak Limah got so much money, so the next step is the cliche adaptation to musicals. We need more people like him so we can have variety of contents - with contents - we can create the market.

and good marketing too. 

But no, here we are surrounded with same low end vegetables who think of fast rewards, middleman fees or worst resorting unto stealing and self gratification artists and creative industry workers, not thinkers.  

The audience is not dumb and stupid, this is the 21st century man and we need some distraction, a good one. Let the smart ones take over please by all means.



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