
Everyone got their own story to tell, but tell me - how you need to tell a story about someone else, someone who is talented and already covered by someone......

im talking about Pablo Picasso. Published in 2015 under Self Made Hero publications, divided unto 4 issues, Julie Birmant and Clement Ouberie framed Picasso thru the eyes of his close friends and muse Fernande Olivier.


This graphic novel covered sociological, situation and elements what made Picasso a Picasso. Its narrative is massive yet so focused especially when it comes to dealing complex relationship of Spaniard with poet Guillarme Appolinaire and Max Jacob.
Of coz for the many, when people introduced to the Cubists, they will whisper to themselves that they able to do this.
Weeping Woman
Before Picasso found ways to compress time, multiple perspectives and space into a single frame, seduced/enticed by the raw powers of the African Aborigine primal masks - he too was painting something ordinary, superficial level. He was attracted with the African masks as it's form was compressed and dissected, distilled to it's rawest form, space, proportion and figure.

As established aesthetics of the West celebrate imitation, the golden means as how  Picasso's put it  bluntly- superficial - he and the rest of the Modernist artists busy deconstructing the established formalist language. Picasso kept looking and searching ways of expressing by demolishing everything what he knew.

This process culminated with his painting of the Avignon spiritual beasts.

Birmant and Oubrerie entertained me for hours and got me laughing so hard. Its like binging Netflix's Narcos. Here - we have Felix Feneon ( middle ) response to Picasso's masterstroke, Feneon is responsible for discovering Gauguin and published Rimbaud. The guy on the left is Guillaume.

Those subtle expressions is priceless yet at the same time hilarious. That is the magic of good storytelling. I admit that this story stayed with me for days. My mind was busy to comprehend, process after i finished it. First its how they established the story, the angle, the central theme and again, moves ad expanded while at the same time, able to engage me.

Matisse, Gauguin appeared, not as supporting cast but as motivations pushing Picasso unto another level.

Capturing the essence rather than the form. Before any artist wants to look something beyond to in the pretext to experiment with a new format or style, they NEEDto master formalities, visual languages first.

Now lets take a look at Picasso's skills.

Matisse's Joy of Life
Picasso's father works in Interior Design, gave Picasso something for him to paint, and one time dad went out a little longer than usual, he came back and saw his son's work.

What happened next?

His dad gave him all his brushes and stopped painting completely.

Imagine your kid did something like this instead of complaining about not getting the new I Phone.

Bull Head, sculpture.

Try get this lovely graphic novel and i kid you not, its a beautiful weighty epic tale, worthy in my collection as it's designed and told beautifully by Julie and Clement. Skip the below average Nat Geo's Genius series. Its such a lazy work even though they got Antonio Banderas as Pablo.

here are links to Picasso's muses - goddess or doormats

I am truly Blessed


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