Intertextuality is shaping a text's meaning by another text. Intertextual includes: allusion, quotation, translation, plagiarism, translation, pastiche and parody. Meaning visual and text support each other to create a MEANING. Now lets see a work by the late Ismail Zain, entitled Al - Kesah you see the whole cast of Dallas ( a popular soap drama TV in the 80's - standing in front of a kampung house - what he wants to show is, everyone in the whole world knows who the hell is JR. ( from Melaka to Zimbabwe ). In 2016, everyone knows John Cena, Ultraman/Doreamon and now Pokemon monsters. Like what Mcluhan mentioned Global Village, same language, same emoji and etc.... a brilliant inter-text work done by our reliable pirated dvd seller the grand-daddy off all René Magritte - The Treachery of Images Ok, lets experience inter-text beyond the gallery binawe punya restaurant, i laughed at the very moment i saw this a road that i just found.......