Pulau Kazambo
just when we thought we are running out of ideas for the rest to get angry, then we have another local film hitting the airwaves with a "controversy". Titled as PULAU ( Island ), we going to have those urban shit, fair skinned, trust fund Bangsar teenagers who doesn't listen to elders, decide to pay a visit to the island and as usual will face the spirit and it's related wrath ( preachy justification ) of the island.
how literal you can get with a horror film when you have a tagline of
The trailer showed literally the whole movie
Since people have nothing else to do, they love to be angry for any reason. Triggered they flood the comment section saying that it looks like a soft-porn film, apparently more afraid of the bikini's and skins rather than the hantu itself.
again, asking the obvious |
Pity the make-up department team and the actors. So lets see how it the hantu looks like?
Only in our local film,we have the hantu's have adequate screen time to justify,explain their antics, turned jahat ( whatsoever ) why they turned unto one.
Lets see the poster. Not enough by showing the skull-like hill, lets amplify it with another death stare by the hantu.
The joke continues to the extend where the LPF ( our censorship board ) issued a public statement saying that it's a horror film.
The real horror is we have banks increasing their OPR rates ( means your debt rates increased ), half a million kids dropping out from schools, EPF members doesnt have enough savings for old age and the looming presence of food crisis.
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