Essay Writing

It’s a methodical process to develop an idea unto something concrete.

When you guys knows the exact reasoning behind every artwork you produce, you able to present it better, objective and efficient.

Lots of artists ( trust me ) doesn’t know how to explain their works, let alone write about it. 

The difference between you and other "artist" is that you guys spend 3 years formal study on art.That is why - kindly by all means dont focus too much on comments posted in the social media as there are big difference between comment and judgment

The internet gave license to everyone to post comments therefore it hard to differentiate what is constructive and judgmental comments. 

Now this is important - AVOID the words such as "I THINK" "MAYBE" or "I FEEL" in your essays. Academic writing is concise, specific and supported by your research, literature review ( your reading materials and notes ) and reference.

               What is important is you understand yourself, your work and what you are doing.

 If other people don’t understand you, its their business. We don’t live to answer to others.



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