Closing Notes

For Contextual and Criticism class.

Its unfortunate for us as we unable to meet up as ive been looking forward to view your works you developed. No thanks to the idiotic flip flop CMCO - it is proven that the govt doesnt able to handle the notorious COVID - as we continue to register thousands of new cases. 

Anyway - here are my closing remarks after i viewed your essays and spending time with you guys for couple of weeks. Most of you are independent and able to manage your workload well enough. So i dont see you guys having issues to graduate. 

 Most importantly - be decisive. When you are decisive, it helps everyone.

Second - if you guys have any DOUBTS, simply ask. Dont assume. Shit always happen when people assume - worst make decisions for others before investigating and getting the right answer.

Fine Arts is a vocation where you simply learn how to express yourself visually. Rather than answering to others, you simply learn new curves on how to be yourself ultimately be a better person. Sure, here everyone doesnt understand what is fine arts and layers of creativity. It ranked highest in the Maslow hierarchy. (under SELF ACTUALISATION ), remember most people assumed that they have everything but chose to be an idiot or an ignorant goon as they are missing something. 

That is why the rich goes to the opera, listening to symphonic orchestra while the blue collar workers coming back home feeling tired,wasted and have no time to understand and appreciate works of art. Parents simply prefer to take their families out to Sunway, window shopping as they are are lazy thinkers and prefer to be a consumer by buying more useless stuffs. 

We are living in a condition where we have more distraction, shopping malls rather than parks, jungles and lakes.

Maslow Hierachy

Just invest some time and do some self reflection by evaluating yourself with this. When you are a complete person, skills and talents - then only able to produce something. People will look at your work, get something ( hopefully be inspired ).

Trust me - alot of artist out there can be a complete fool or a poser. Their works seems critical but the moment, you have conversations with them, you know that they are not. 

First and foremost – congratulations for being your own true self. It is a huge relief and a lot of people living themselves in a denial by working in a job they hated for years or worst – spending 3 years in a degree which you don’t have any liking at all ( all these to please other people )

Having a supportive environment helps you too, having someone to talk to and able to trust is a priceless commodity. From your essay – most of you guys having some difficulties ( be it emotional or physical ),  – use your creative learning experience as a meditative process. 

Monet's Waterlilies in MOMA, New York

A long list of pop culture artists battled their own set of demons, from Kurt Cobain ( who shot himself like Van Gogh ) to Freddy Mercury ( AIDS ), Beethoven composed few of his major pieces when he was going deaf. In 1911, Monet became depressed after the death of his beloved Alice, developed cataracts - nearly going blind he went on to produce one of his best works which is The Waterlilies series.

Drama Ayam by Nurul

Continue your works with your personal memories - coz its cant be replicated by someone else. Like how Raaya found herself as a royalty lineage, Nurul with her total disgust towards the crowd, memories of growing up with a loving grandma - all these are important narrative for each one of you and somehow will help you to be a better person.  

Paint something which make your mum and dad wants to hang it on the living room.

Again, dont be a defeatist, be hard upon yourself. I totally understand this. In our life, we will face dumb ass individuals who will put us down. We move on and we collectively throw away all the emotional and physical baggage away so we can live our life better and simplistic. 

Life is very short, so dont make it shorter. 

See you guys in the graduation exhibition. 


28 Dec




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