Mediocre of The Year

something is consistent about this country, we are surrounded with "award" winners. 

A retired general Mejar (B) Mohammad Qayyum A. Badaruddin who wrote another 154 motivational books and articles. 


that is impressive right?


someone pointed out one of his books entitled Dekad Membaca consists of several direct translation from various unaccredited internet articles. The publisher happened to be his company too and won a local award. 

when its translated directly - all the grammar, vocabs flew out from the window. Readers who bought this book motivated to point out this crap in their Twitter feed. All contents in this and other books published lifted directly from the the Internet.

Penerbit Prolifik 2019 ( Prolific Publisher 2019 ) awarded by Yayasan Pembangunan Buku Negara (YPBN) which they apologized for over"seeing" this crap.

You can purchase this apology at MYR25. 



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