The Martian

being forced to do social distancing is a blessing too......i able to observe so many funny circus acts - by the citizens and of course the by the new government ministers. With the PM announced that "a relaxed MCO" begin tomorrow ( surprising everyone ) in order to kickstart the economy - we questioned why on earth they asked us to stay at home until May 12th at the first place?

The nation still register 3 digit COVID new cases and kickstart the economy due to losing billions? 

Fine, open your shopping mall......who the hell coming and to buy your stuffs?

Fine, open your shops.....who wants to dine?

Guess the ones who are paid full salary last 2 months now getting itchy and wants to start spending for Raya. Business owners getting impatient seeing their cash registers collecting dust instead of Ringgit....

again like the moratorium bank issue -  people will be left hanging - confused as ever. I pity the front-liners Armed Forces and the Police who unfortunately will be scrambling like shit tomorrow. But again - this time my article focus on this fler......

Azhar Ali.

Malaysian or formerly known as Citizen Scientist

Thursday, 30 April, announced on his Twitter account about receiving a scholarship from NASA.


He entered NASA challenge and won a scholarship from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration from the United States. Shared several screenshots exclaiming in disbelief that he scored in the top 1 percent of over 3 million participants of a "2020 NASA Artemis Challenge".

Based on his score of "96.77 percent", he received an e-mail from one Rene A Holland of NASA, offering him a scholarship in affiliation with the National University of Singapore (NUS).

A new Einstein. 

A genius.

Maybe this fler able to help the minister to help to materialize our first national flying car. 

former TUN's expression said everything

Fly to Mars.

Everyone congratulated him. Even the PM and the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Tik Tok Minister. 

national news.

Then he shut down his Twitter. 

reactivated his account saying he was a victim of a scam.

And yes having a profile photo wearing a turtleneck helps too.


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