Being Present

Meditation thru building stuffs. 
I stumbled upon this eons ago, coupled with my participation of building better houses for the Orang Asli, i realized that working with my hands is simply therapeutic. There is no concept of time and you simply being at the present moment.

 Just like cooking. 

From Lego, to numerous props and bigger stuffs, each of them offers different problem solving skills. Either the materials or the people whom you work with. Building or creating is simply like telling a story, editing the shots you wanted in the offline editing process. You simply jump back and forth, cultivating, nipping and throwing the stuffs you want or you dont need.

Its painstaking, frustating  process when you build to get the form you wanted

But when you achieved it - personal satisfaction.

 Just when i thought i will done and do other stuffs after building the Delorean, i realized that there are still many bricks left behind. All those original and knock off Lego purchases cramped in tupperwares will again collect dust. I simply sit down and decided that i shall build the Steampunk Time Machine train which Doc did - which we can see in mere seconds in the Back to the Future 3.

The Jules Verne
as im not a mini figure fan - so all my lego builds doesnt scaled up to the mini-figures.

again, there are days where my build gone to waste.

Finally - my personal trilogy Back to the Future stuffs is complete. Yeahoooo.

To symbolize Part 1
Part 3
and yes.....who can forget the shiny Delorean
Total days of building Jules Verne - 6 days. Easier than the freaking Delorean which took me at least 4 bloody weeks due to the curves and slopes. Put kitbashing all the necessary bricks added to the workload.

...................and i need sleep


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