politicians are public figure, so when someone turned to be a public figure. Every action, speech, act and behavior are scrutinized. I highly recommend them to hire good analytical critical advisors to supervise them. But again, who wants to employ smart intelligent people right? They will make you look stupid when the real fact is that you are stupid at the first place. So most of the time, these clowns will surprise or made us scratch our heads with their detached - nonsensical statements to the media. Media love these sort of idiotic answers as they will make it more colorful, dramatic and explosive in their headline. I always wonder who on earth they hired as their PR. Sometimes i asked my pals - guessing what they smoke in order to be a complete functioning idiot. is there a need to call someone to officiate a public lift when the fund actually comes from the public Lo and behold, the police raided a private party - rounded up 17 individuals. 16 of t...