
Deepavali - also known as the Festival of Lights, celebrated to honor Rama, the seventh avatar (incarnation of the god Vishnu). It is believed that on this day Rama returned to his people after 14 years of exile during which he fought and won a battle against the demon king, Ravana. 

Below is Hanuman, my favorite character, the super - Monkey who pledged loyalty and help Rama in his quest. His abilities to grow big as a mountain and fly like Superman. When Hanuman was a kid, he flew to the sun - thinking it was a glowing fruit, his elders put a spell on him, unleashing his powers in this magical quest. Just like Clark Kent. 

All of us need some magical assistance, help from the divine in our journey to become a hero. Talking about monkeys, China's Journey to the West is entertaining and enjoyable read. Monkey King is assigned to help Monk Tang Sanzang on a journey to retrieve Buddhist scriptures from Tianzu in 7th century. 

Tianzu is India.

Before this mission, Monkey went up to the heavens, demanding and created so much ruckus in Jade Emperor's kingdom before he was sub-dued by Lord Buddha. Different culture needs different form and content. Everything is adapted, remixed and appropriated accordingly.


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