Respecting your audience.

AMC did it again. They produced The Terror. Remixing true historical facts, unsolved mysteries, creativity rules the day as they seep, steered us to a 10 solid episodes, filling us freaking chills witnessing the soldier's doomed fate.

This is one of the rare production where you can see every worth of the producer's penny poured in every shot. My eyes hurts and aches. You kept muttering swear words when the credit rolls and hell its for cable TV, not a film.

Its the waiting, battling the elements of nature, intense pressure resulting to conflict and yes the unseen freaking Tuunbaaq gave me goosebumps.

.................and i am speechless.

bowed down in complete awe, shaking your head while scrambling for words to sum this up.

The reward for being a selective recluse.



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