
every political party can write their own manifesto right? Its what they can offer IF they WIN in the upcoming general election. The problem is OFFER and DOING is two separate thing. I think its almost years i dont believe in then word Offer, as OFFER is FREE.

The concept of Offer can be placed like SEMBANG. ( cheap talk ) and mind you, most of the time, people forget Acting Upon the Offer after someone took it. So let's see what the opposition party is offering if they happened to be governing the people for the next 4 years.

The manifesto have 60 pledges in 200 pages.

and can we expect them to act upon 60 pledges in 4 years = 48 months.

Hmmmm that alot of accomplish in 48 months right? Most people not doing alot when they are still alive.

1. abolishing the GST, so what is going to happen to the GST collected?

2. so someone monopolizing Bernas and are living in the age of Netflix.

3. Reduce Excise duties for 1.6cc cars. - are we going to contribute to more traffic jams and the inefficiency of public transports? encouraging people to owe to the banks for 9 freaking years.
lets owe the bank 60K for 9 years.....its ok. Lets make it a habit paying monthly....hutang is good.

4. abolishing tolls rolling my eyes now. read

5. "depoliticize" BR1M
remove from political activity or influence. 
( how, when, who, when ( after winning the elections of course ), what? )
( no more hand-outs )

6. 20% royalties for oil producing states? So what is going to happen when the state government get this cash? Better roads? Upgrading schools? Feed the urban poor? Get new turtles?

1. lets pay your uni/college fees after working for 10 years. Yes, we forget to add the interest rates for your loan.

2. write off for excellent or Poor students? what? So what about people who paid their loans like me?

3. more tax incentives for we having a new batch of employees who likes to jump jobs.

4. marriage incentives for couples under 35 years old....such as? ( discounted hotel dinners? vacations? free milk, diapers for 12 months, marriage anniversary reward? )

5. Asean job market for youths? ( such as.....)

6. reduce broadband prices and increase internet speeds......( yes we can download more stuffs )

1. oh lets review first before we abolish the tolls.......( what about it brings profit )
2. fuel subsidies for bikes and cars under 1.3CC cars.......
3. encourage rural entrepreneur to own cars.... ( i bet the banks is funding this manifesto )
4. another 10 thousand bus for after we get cheaper petrol and excellent loans.....
5. profit making operators to cater low density routes....( what? )
6. cheaper bus license.......
7. the rights of cabbies.....what about UBER drivers?

apparently someone said this manifesto drafted after long and intensive discussions among all the four parties in PH – PKR, DAP, Amanah and PPBM.

reality check!!!

someone born in South Africa named Elon Musk saved billions of bucks for NASA after nearly bankrupting his own company and now planning to build a colony in MARS, while we still dealing abolishing tolls, petrol subsidies.....



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