
Material values which at times we label it as "duniawi" never last - which is money, possessions and other material means. Its pretty weird observing people spend so much time and effort to get the materials.

Time is simply a concept which we can never buy or get it back. Imagine all those hours we spend trapped in the traffic gridlock, surfing FB - those hours we lost. Does the result we obtained worth it?

Im not saying this material aspect is not good but in fact it's necessary. Money is not evil - but the main culprit is DESIRE. Desire can go unto many ways, mold us and influence how we live our lives.

Desire is limitless. It goes on and on and on......

So how to minimize it? When you start identifying it, then you can move on the next important issue which is happiness.

What makes us happy and and yes be contented? Are we happy and satisfied NOW? If you are not - by all means go and do whatever it takes to make you happy.

happiness doesnt have any quantitative values. Its immaterial.

Immaterial values which is goodness, thoughtfulness and other related good values cant be bought, purchased or valued - its priceless and therefore it needs to be earned in the right way. What do we bring back in the end of the day? That is my friend - is important.

p/s - to all who still finding happiness, find it now. To those who still looking for a real meaning of what is life? well stop it immediately, start living your life. Im not asking everyone to be Superman or Batman - help yourself first then only you can help or contribute to others.


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