From Sinderut to Teluk Intan

Oi Andy, you kat mana?
i have no chance to reply my text messages.

What the hell i'm doing?
deep in the jungle where there is no phone communication, as few of my closest pals know that i'm involved with INSAF's logistic management.

what is logistic management? Try drive a 1990 registered manual Pajero for hours blistering heat, rain and mist and the unpredictable attitude of the orang asal. Inside the heroic Pajero - 2 capable craftsman and equipment/tools.

requirement is simple - think on the feet, eat just to fill the stomach and solve the problem as soon as possible.

INSAF already build 70 + houses for the Orang Asal. 
Most people said that we are insane,

maybe we are. at times, i have to configure how to explain to people who asked me this magical question. So this time, i need to write it, so rather than repeating it orally.

If you dont believe angels exists....i challenge you again. 
There universe will set, conspire us to do something unthinkable and the unimaginable. But as what Joesph Campbell wrote - every hero need to face challenges in order to improve oneself.
its all about doing and doing.

An Act

Pos Sinderut gave us unlimited issues and challenges daily. 
as usual - we managed to settle it.

The word H3R0
So after wrapping it up, driving out from Pahang, i joined few of my closest pals heading to Perak to screen and perform H3R0. You guys know about H3R0 right? Well if you guys dont know, its one of the self funded project we did 4 years ago based on my pal's blog post of his dad. 
The film traveled all over and finally made a stop to the place where we shoot the film which is Teluk Intan and Horley Methodist primary school.

A wonderful rainbow greeted us.

What i love is that INSAF project and H3R0 still going strong and moving on. Both shared similar vibes, values,practice and formula. We move from one place to another, we share and leaving something behind. 
Just like David Carradine in the Kung Fu tv series.

If you like it - tq, if you dont like it - it's ok too.

Most of the time, people asked, how the hell we got time to do all of this. The solution is simple, we find TIME. We something that we LIKE, forget what we dont like.

Like what Kak Ana summed H3R0 nicely.

Bkn semata2 karya, 
( its not about doing a short film )

tiada keberuntungan keakuan, 

( its not about shouting/screaming/ thumping your chest about who did it )

tiada ajenda di sebaliknya

( no agenda )

Bahkan cerita pendek yg direct...dan penuh kasih, 

( a plain story about a son love to his parents, done with love and respect )

Mudah faham. 

( easy to digest - no complications, no artistic or made-up intellectual statements )

Kebaikan yg nak dialirkan moga terkesan pd jiwa2 yg terbuka.

( its all about sharing goodness to all who WANT to listen )  

Jiwa2 suci anak2 kecil yg bersih, 

( manners, respect and learning how to develop appreciative values to good people from kids ( pure hearted souls to hardened ones - adult )

belia2 pewaris yg didambakan dan moga jiwa2 matang lebih peka ttg hidup berkasih- sayang. 

( and especially to the mature ones who understand and practice loving - kindness )

so to all whom i dont have time to reply my sms or fb messages...i mintak maaf, this is what i (we ) do....if you guys want to join me for future missions and screenings, roger me ok. rather than talking, i encourage all of you guys to experience "Ehipassiko"

What is ehipassiko? 
its a Pali word used to describe the investigative nature of Buddhism. Discouraging blind faith alone, the Buddha encouraged his disciples to "come and see" his teachings for themselves, to witness the fruits of this practice through direct experience. 


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