Present Moment

Steve Rogers: Big man in a suit of armour. Take that off, what are you?
Tony Stark: Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

This argument between Cap and Iron Man in Avengers made me reflect so much - who am i if i dont have a career, a profession or etc. Alot of people loves to brag about who they are, their career, kids, material achievements and anything related to it. 

Let's take some time and strip everything off and lets see what you are made off and what you can do. 

Steve Rogers: Big man in a suit of armour. Take that off, what are you? 

so rather than boasting it all over the world about who we are, its better for us to keep quiet and do, do and do. Keep the boasting, old tales aside. Its very annoying for me to listen to old stories.

Let us be in the Present moment. 
Not yesterday, not 10 years or 500 years ago  shall we. 


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