
its brilliant when a simple brick can go to multi-formats....building these can take many hours - forgetting everything around us.....( which is good as i dont need to tolerate nonsense ). So i decided to build myself my Christmas present this year ( why not ), for many years i've been wanting a Cat's Lair ( that's Thundercats headquarters - mind you ). Maintaining the blocky, simplistic 80's design....this goes thru several design phases ( esp the cat's head ) - there goes my weekend...

The Mars Rover ( i got turned off seeing the price in the secondary market ) - i need to see this in my lifetime,  what sort of tyres they used man coz this guy travelled Mars for god's sake...

and yes.....TQ Internet - with so many brilliant people uploading hi-res Lego i can have multiple versions of the Time Machine.

based on my fan-drawing last year

next - we have the third version - the amped up Time Machine

All these are made up from the various Lepin ( lego knock-off ) parts, early this year, the artistic community go all bonkers when the public sculpture from the late Syed Ahmad Jamal was demolished by DBKL....( dah roboh baru mau bising )

After Puncak Pernama, 2015
and yes...Lepin made me extremely happy when i got this also....

Not all fans have adequate disposable cash to splurge on the original Lego's ok, mind you - the opportunistic attitude displayed by greedy pricks turned the interest off too....Now - everything is possible....wahahahaha....( plus building the Ghostbusters HQ with my nephew is priceless ).


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