Sci Fi and Religion ( revised in 2016 )

This note is originally written in Oct 2010 - revised in Oct 2016.

There are two types of people. We have two people who dig or hate Sci Fi. I don’t blame them as the type who hates it will tell us that it’s confusing. They prefer a straightforward movie where the hero can destroy the whole building to save the day or simply “sparkle”. Gone were the days where we are stunned  listening to blonde android gave a 5 minute monologues of what is existence before releasing a pigeon. ( Cue : Blade Runner ), now we have movies filled with sparkling vampire with his confused girlfriend. 

1.       Sci Fi movies celebrates visual imaginations but their story-lines is deep rooted in reality and main ideas are taken from various religious texts.
If we look closer on the issues of sci-fi, all of them deals with the issues of  finding oneself and deals on subjective issues of identity.
Every film will introduce us with the hero. The hero will start from nowhere – a simple minded individual - a fool. For example Luke Skywalker who is a Farm Boy. He didn’t know that his fate already set by the universe ( or in the western denial term : higher consciousness and that includes of his sister kissing him ). The Universe arranged him different scenarios where he need to be a MAN, face sacrifices ( losing something like Luke losing his arm ) before becoming a hero.
Just like all the prophets in all religions – all them start out as nobody ( eg : Jesus as a carpenter, Guan Yu ( The God of War ) started out as a tofu seller ).
In the Matrix - The Merovingian said to Neo “ And this is the nature of the universe. We struggle against it. We fight to deny it, but it is of course pretense. It is a lie. Beneath our poised appearance, the truth is we are completely... out of control” In reality - Shit happens, we have no control of the result - whenever we lose someone close to us ( death ) and when that happens - we try to find some answers and at the same time deny it.

All this is due to Attachments.  
Yoda said -  “Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.”  

Who said watching a film is a waste of time?

2.      Issue of the day : Identity and EGO
In Star Wars Episode 4,5 and 6 – we were introduced with Darth Vader, he is the epitome of Bad guy, complete with all the necessary accessories of evil notably the mechanical asthmatic breathing pattern and a lightsabre,( my fav is the force choke ) until Lucas screwed it all in Episode 1,2 and 3 – Vader is Anakin, Jar Jar is his best friend and why he turn into Vader is due to failed attempt to save Padme and his Ego.

Too bad that in real life, we don’t have a costume to represent evil and good. Everything is deep in our heart. How to reflect what’s inside our heart? It can by our clothing, the car we drive, how big the house we live in and most importantly our actions.

When we enter a Mosque or any house of GOD/LORD, we can’t bring all of this in with us, we need to put away our leather shoes and other materials outside. We can’t bring anything except what’s inside our heart and soul in the house of god. Just like In Empire Strikes Back, Yoda said to Luke before he entered the cave - Only what you take with you.

that is what we going to bring when we go six feet under.

3.       Drink of the Day : Choice
When The Matrix appears in 1999, the trilogy brought the issues and questions of religions notably the subject of Choice, karma and reincarnations.I don’t blame when the ah Bengs,the ah Lians and Mat Rempits scratched their heads when Agent Smith told this to Neo - We're not here because we're free; we're here because we're not free. There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose, because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist.

in Matrix Revolution that Neo is the 6th version of himself, created by the Architect – in Buddhism we have reincarnation, we are re-born for thousands of years, reliving the same system and who we are now is based on the sum of karma carried forward from our previous lifes. All incidents in life is interconnected and there is no such thing as coincidence.

the question is - are we a better version of ourself?

The Architect said : - Your five predecessors were, by design, based on a similar predication: a contingent affirmation that was meant to create a “profound attachment to the rest of your species”, facilitating the function of the One. While the others experienced this in a general way, your experience is far more specific. Vis-à-vis: love.

So the sixth version Neo in the Matrix found and understand what is Love. He already knew that he is going to lose Trinity but his attachment to her is so strong but he knows his real purpose and what he has to do.

It is purpose that created us, purpose that connects us, purpose that pulls us, that guides us, that drives us, that defines us, it is purpose that binds us. We are here because of you, Mr. Anderson. We're here to take from you what you tried to take from us.

so what is our purpose in life? 

 In reality we still don’t know and still looking and looking - identify our purpose in life. Society will go on telling you “This is right and that is wrong”. That is conscience. It becomes ingrained and implanted in you.You go on repeating it. That is worthless. That is not the real thing. The real thing that we need to find is consciousness.

Consciousness carries no ready-made answers of what is wrong and what is right. No! But immediately, in whatever situation arises, it gives you a light – you know immediately what to do. Every day we have a chance to make a choice. Just like how Neo put it “Choice. The problem is choice” The problem is are we conscious enough?

before we can become conscious, we need to Wake up first ok.

Dedicated to all my informal, formal teachers, guru ( fiction and non fiction ), friends, ex-students, diploma, degree students and future students. May the force be with us ok!! Stay Osem!!!


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