Notes on Feeling

it cant be dissected, represented by words, discussions or intellectualized.

adjective: sublime; comparative adjective: sublimer; superlative adjective: sublimest
of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe.

sublimity - how it can be expressed, presented to someone else?
The problem about academics, symposiums and whatever conventions is - speakers kept presenting the same "data" and "findings" making it dry, pretentious and nauseous.
 Endnotes, bibliography, etc - same old repetitions of findings, framed up and presented in a different way....

Rather than reading thousands of reviews about Monet's Waterlilies - i normally suggest people experience it by standing in front of it. I avoid attending any art related symposiums as i dont need and want to listen to an "expert's" digestions, suggestions and whatever not - cmon man....artworks needed to be experienced by oneself - not to be dissected.

I threw away so many catalogues, its pretty sad reading articles about the work, i rather see the work itself and see how the work communicates with me. Anyway - im sharing you guys few artworks that blew me away until today.

Balla, Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash
The Futurists technically are my kind of assholes, their works produced is innovative and managed to capture other era did not - which is energy and movements. Their inventiveness captures the public's imagination with their absurdity - they respond to the current environment - war and technology.

Boccioni's Unique Forms of Continuity In Space

 below we have modern versions of Boccioni's masterpiece.

Next we have the great Michealeangelo, man....he is not man, he is a demi-god/ an angel put down by God to show how worthless we are. 

He simply produced stuffs that is better than his last.....i mean - its like the Beatles, producing several similar White Album/ Sgt Peppers quality albums.

the visual art version of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody
The Pieta

and talking about sublime - i pass this to oh man.....his Waterlilies simply took my breath away, transported me to experience tranquility. His strokes - colors and how he handle this massive piece is unbelievable.

Ever wondered how Monet can produce this? Below is Giverny, his home studio -

you know why artist cant produce these sort of sublimity anymore? Here is why, show you how all of us live....

Enough of ranting today.....thank you.

Note: Anderson currently is taking an extreme break from dealing with confused and selfish people, even taking a break from his usual NGO related activities. He is busy treating new materials for his short films.Secondly, why he is writing this note - is that he hates when local film critic always lamenting " tak feel la, tak sampai...!!! " when they view a film.The reason why they dont feel is that a film-maker itself and the critic have limited vocabs. Paham?


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