Post Breaking Bad : Narcos

been scouting a mini series that able to take me somewhere after Breaking Bad, i always have soft spot for brilliantly written, flawed characters - good cinematography, i found all of this in Netflix's Narcos. I binged it for the past few days and seriously - it's worth every second and minute.

Pablo Escobar appeared only for few minute in Johnny Depp's Blow - but anything with Escobar, im hooked. Seriously he owns everything, its funny to the extend - spends couple of grand just to buy rubber bands for his cocaine cash - builds his own castilia ( jail ) - creating his own set of rules, deals with the government and jailing himself.

The El Paisa Robin Hood
The first season of Narcos - 10 episodes shift my perception and definition of what good and what is bad, decisions and the consequences that both politicians and the crooks made, seriously NARCOS is GOOD.

And Pablo wants to be buried in his own country than being extradited. I give him credits for that.


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