Periodic Scumbags

Malaysians are well known for their opportunistic streaks, few borders on maniacal - or in plain words - greedy assholes. When greed and opportunity marries - we have bastard ugly child...

Case study No 1 - Mcdonalds released their nanoblocks - i cant find any words to describe them......virtually every Mcdonald's Nanoblock stock is finished.

Case Study No 2 - Shell Lego. Apparently Lego not going to work anymore with Shell after this - due to planet conservation/moral  issues, so this adorable set will be final. Hence - it would be valuable.I cant find any of them - i was laughing with the Bangladeshi workers when they told me that it's finished. 

Shell guys - if u are reading this, i just pumped 40 bucks in my car and was told it was finished.

Screw you man!!!!

apparently Lego's value doubled up when certain sets is retired. Few people i met - kept their Lego in the box. One word - they are nuts.

Scalpers will lined up for hours - preying on every outlet, buying everything and then sell it on secondary market with a jacked up prices. Thank goodness - I was in the jungle and kept shaking on my head seeing all these funny human behaviors.

This is when Ikea opened up their latest branch in Cheras - see people waiting in line. Soon, i have to endure tons of periodic Star Wars fans.

When passion and love is replaced with greed - Im heading out from this planet - folks.


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