Do Good!!!

Finally i have reached a stage where i couldnt be bothered. Im kickstarting the DO GOOD proggramme where we need to do something, perform an act rather than spending time talking, chit-chatting, sembang deras and being a keyboard warrior.

Im launching the Pulp Fiction based postcard to generate more funds for future humanitarian acts. It can be anything, as long it helps people, inspire others and anything goes with positivity and goodness. I will be planning to print this set for only 1000 units.

I admit that i hate publicity and anything that goes with generating thousand of likes in FB, i believe that the universe had shown me a way that i need to a complete and total trust that i will be taken care of. My life is too short for regrets, sorrow and becoming a bitter crap. Too short and too feeble. I no longer entertain people who whines and saying that they "wish" they can do better if they were younger, well - forgive me if i sound cocky, let's DO rather than TALK.

So universe, im releasing this, please bless for the ones who purchases this. No doubt that i love Pulp Fiction- as it never fail to inspire me and this iconic scene always gave me goosebumps. I respected this images so much as i need to create a homage for this iconic scene.

It will be hand-numbered, blessed and signed with love and respect.

p/s : this post is dedicated to the ones who passed away, im just glad that i met you guys in this lifetime, i hope i served you guys well. 


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