
Showing posts from October, 2024

Short and Sweet

10 young men aged between 19 and 20 came in at 2 AM. Their case was necrotic genitals. Half of the skin on their genitals had turned black.  the doctor treating them explained that all the young men admitted to doing something unreasonable by injecting ‘leeches medicine’ into their genitals. “One of them said they injected leech medicine into their own genitalia.  told Doc it would help them ‘last longer.......daring enough to inject in such a sensitive area,”  In an era where information is easily accessible, they should at least google it.  But......NO. “The thing is, they’re still so young . They aren’t even married yet. Why would they need to last longer? What’s wrong with kids these days?” all of them had to be admitted because they needed to have half of their penises amputated .  after treatment, the condition wouldn’t affect the functionality of their genitals. “The medical officer said it would still function, but well... it’

The Future is Now

Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics" 1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.    2. A robot must obey orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.    3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.    Then we have the Prime Directives ( from Robocop ) "Serve the public trust" "Protect the innocent" "Uphold the law" "Any attempt to arrest a senior officer of OCP results in shutdown" (Listed as [Classified] in the initial activation)     we keep on inventing machines to cure our menial job tasks, loneliness. So falling in love with machines and robots will be completely normal. HER, directed by Spike Jonze in 2013 is one damn sad needle.     How we can link our neuro system with AI? Look no further. A sleeper 2108 hit, written and directed by Leigh Whannell Look f

Needs and Desires

true enough, in order for us to stop chasing time is to identify, figure out what really need vs on what we want . Most people chase alot of things depending on their age, desires, values, position. Most of them concentrating on forgetting on what they have. All values will change according to time. Each has it's own variables. We know when we are born but we dont know when is the exact date and time on when we going to kick the bucket. If we know this, the world will be a better place as people no longer will waste their time, the world would be a fulfilling place.  The govt counters will be operational, politicians no longer taking in on what they shouldn't have. All school will teach the kids on how to live their dreams. We no longer need to suffer in waiting.  So whatever savings or actions taken when you are alive, can it be your refuge when you are in the grave? Now if we can identify on the excess on what we have - then only we can share to others. Most people will

Degree in Uselessness ( Hons )

  when we have multiple universities, clowns transforming doctorates, experts in this and such and what not..... Underemployment among graduates has grown from just over a fourth in 2010 to a third in 2022, the Bank said, with the rise noticeable among degree holders. In 2010, just 8.6 per cent of degree holders were underemployed — but that number grew to 26.9 per cent in 2022 . rather than innovating to create new markets, all universities turned unto paper mills, becoming mindless subservient to powers that be, conveniently wasting public resources, looking at every opportunities to create new degree programmes to take in future voters.   before i forget, the country has Majlis Professor Negara, Professor's council too. With a vision crafted by a magician, it sounds fantastic, idealistic and revolutionary.   Melangkau zaman sangat. but in reality, the Majlis caught with its pants down by misusing it's funding. with dilapidate

An Incurable Disease


Of Grants and Such

 ..............bear in mind when you need to take full responsibilities, answerable if you are awarded with any grants or doing any projects that involves with the public money.