Investment and SPM Results


The Education Ministry received the biggest allocation RM55.2 billion in the 2023 Budget.

They received RM52.6 billion allocated in 2022.

When giving the breakdown of items in the education sector, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said RM2.3 billion of the overall was dedicated to ensuring best learning infrastructure at all schools.

This included RM920 million to upgrade buildings and infrastructure in 380 dilapidated schools, especially in Sabah and Sarawak via special funds for immediate implementation.



SPM REPORT for 2023

278,700 out from 373,525 SPM candidates passed the minimum requirements

11,713 straight A students

10,160 students didnt bother to attend this at all. 

33, 915 didnt get the certs ( either they didnt attend the examination or didnt pass their BM or History subject )

9,306 failed in the BM subject.

41,403 failed in English!

20,868 failed in History subject. 

25,174 failed in Science.

85,706 failed in Maths.  

this will create a ripple effect for the country in the near future ( sooner than you think ). Already lacked for medical experts, Indonesian hardworking talents taking over construction, Myanmars and Bangladeshi's taking over wet market and hawker stalls, our local talents pinched from the neighbors, soon  the market will be filled with these students. 

Bear in mind that AI will taking over those autonomy areas, i wonder where and how these students fit into our current system besides becoming delivery rider, a tik toker and what not.

who knows ( and you never know ) all those failures able to move on to the public universities. 


this is simply a unexplainable spending and worst investment of the century. Dont worry, let the parents fork out hundred of ringgit for their graduation ceremony.






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