
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Future Is Now

  In 1968, Stanley Kubrick showed us a menacing side of an awakened machine HAL9000.  In 2013, Spike Jonze explored loneliness and how we put our trust issue unto an AI ( doesnt help when he casted Scarlett Johansson ), her smooth welcoming voice gave comfort to struggling Joaquin. Now with Chat GPT rising aggressively, i guess ( no doubt ) soon people will fall in love and trust their GPT, smart android and machine. we already have people got married with their bolsters and fictional characters.   AI dont steal money like those systemic scammers.  Plus AI is more reliable and trustworthy than any elected politicians we have out there.

Knowing Your Own Worth

at times, you simply have to step back, reflect and simply take a decision. Its just way too bad when an organization built and designed to serve the deserving poor, not forgetting that it's ( funded ) by people's money is handled miserably.  Its a huge responsibility when you are running an entity fueled by public trust and money.  When the operation and direction trying to prove more than it's worth, they are now in a bloody ambitious mess ( not forgetting that costs of running it turning bigger coupled with hiring and employment of the right talents ). What is the need to open more state chapters when when you dont serve your main objectives. Is there a steady list of justifications for these?  Its very annoying when "people" simply don't know how and practice the concept of simplicity. Sure again, people will say that its established for almost 10 - 15 years ago, mind you - but being older doesnt mean anything.  You simply have to earn it. The organizati...

Dreaming of an Electric Sheep

    ( L ) The Voight-Kampff test used by the LAPD's Blade Runners to assist in determining whether or not an individual was a replicant.    The machine used in the test measured bodily functions such as respiration, heart rate, blushing and pupillary dilation in response to emotionally provocative questions.    It typically took twenty to thirty cross-referenced questions to detect a Nexus-6 replicant. The Boneli Reflex-Arc Test, simpler than the Voigt-Kampff Empathy Test, it would detect responses in the upper ganglia of the spinal column, which was microseconds slower in androids.    With Chat GPT, aggressive AI and Android, automation, guess we will experience a Blade Runner world soon. It's ironic that here we extended dinosaurs running our country and policies.

English Level

  "The findings showed that the school curriculum in Malaysia is comparable to the curriculum of the other countries,. Education Minister Says Malaysia's Education System Is On Par With Singapore and Japan.