Losing the Plot

when "designers" lose one's ability to understand or cope with what is happening.

or basically/blatantly ignoring one's rich tradition. 

or simply being "delusional"

impression of a cat crossing a busy street

when you woke up at the wrong side of the bed to collect your angpow

to show your cousins and friends that you an active gym member

bringing up your love to mamak food unto another level

when you not doing anything and being ambushed by visitors in the very last minute

dealing drugs during aidilfitri

outfits to show that you are qualified to change car tyres

nipples out baju raya

once i visited a mental institution called Hospital Bahagia ( "Happiness" Hospital )in Tanjung Rambutan. One of the mental patient approached me and told me that im losing my mind. 

Technically or maybe he is right.



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