
Showing posts from December, 2020


  2020 somehow gave a me a sign by clearing up certain issues, subsequently showed and getting rid of idiots, selfish individuals who basically destroy their own reputation by their foolish and selfish unreasonable acts. apparently all these species have few things in common, they are gutless, fabricating nonsensical  lies and news to cover up their mistakes, worst - afraid to own up their shitty act.  they are fond of excuses and long fucking winded fucked up whatsapp messages.  The universe is objective, loving and knows what is going on. Good riddance.

Closing Notes

For Contextual and Criticism class. Its unfortunate for us as we unable to meet up as ive been looking forward to view your works you developed. No thanks to the idiotic flip flop CMCO - it is proven that the govt doesnt able to handle the notorious COVID - as we continue to register thousands of new cases.  Anyway - here are my closing remarks after i viewed your essays and spending time with you guys for couple of weeks. Most of you are independent and able to manage your workload well enough. So i dont see you guys having issues to graduate.   Most importantly - be decisive . When you are decisive, it helps everyone. Second - if you guys have any DOUBTS, simply ask. Dont assume. Shit always happen when people assume - worst make decisions for others before investigating and getting the right answer. Fine Arts is a vocation where you simply learn how to express yourself visually. Rather than answering to others, you simply learn new curves on how to be yourself – ulti...

Baudrilard and Fake Meat

Several govt agencies is under fire as NST revealed that the nation been consuming fake halal meat - where beef is replaced with kangaroo, parts of diseased meat for everyone's consumption for 40 bloody years ...... this is what you get when the price of imported meat is cheaper than local ones. Baudrillard's concept of simulacra - The second stage is perversion of reality , this is where we come to believe the sign to be an unfaithful copy, which "masks and denatures" reality as an "evil appearance—it is of the order of maleficence". Here, signs and images do not faithfully reveal reality to us, but can hint at the existence of an obscure reality which the sign itself is incapable of encapsulating.  

Rupiah and Baudrillard

  A man from Kalimantan, Indonesia found himself the victim of a Mr Bean comical con job where he sold off his used handphone to a buyer - who paid for it with fake money drawn on paper with red markers. The buyer arrived in a motorcycle, left the engine running, exchange done hurriedly, with the seller handing over the phone and accepted the "money"   Simulacra and Simulation delineates the sign-order into four stages:  1.  The first stage is a faithful image/copy , where we believe, and it may even be correct, that a sign is a "reflection of a profound reality" this is a good appearance, in what Baudrillard called "the sacramental order".    2.  The second stage is perversion of reality , this is where we come to believe the sign to be an unfaithful copy, which "masks and denatures" reality as an "evil appearance—it is of the order of maleficence". Here, signs and images do not faithfully reveal reality to us, but can hi...

A Place Called Home : From Oral To Written Tradition

  From Oral to Written Tradition. The influences through religion does not make much changes or damages to the cultures of the locals (Malays/Bumiputra) [1] in fact it was well accepted, distilled, assimilated and weaved unto culture of the locals. The wayang kulit (shadow puppet), the `mantra ' [2] in Hindu were invoked before the start of the performance. When Islam arrives, the Hindu gods mentioned in the 'mantra' were replaced by the word ALLAH s.w.t. We adapt and we change unlike The French or the Europeans, English shared a common civilisation and culture. They speak, eat, pray, joke in a common language. Certain policies or strategies implemented by the British ( 1786 – 1957 ) as described by Bashir Wali Muhammad - the colonial era has served to de-culturise [3] the Malaysian and leave us unaware of our rich historical roots culture heritage. Oral tradition [4] were practiced as most locals were illiterate [5] . The huge arrival of immigrants brou...

A Place Called Home : ABC

  This “democratic, chaotic yet it works “layered delicacy ABC reflects our wonderful identity. Malaysia where her name itself comes from our long passage of history is derived from several names such as The Malay Archipelago [1] , Malaya [2] (1965 - 1957), Suwarnadwipa [3] , Javadipa, Langkasuka, Kataha [4] , Chi Lan Tan [5] , Cho-Po = Vijaya = Srivijaya, referred by Arabs as Sribuza [6] , Inderapura, Melaka, Malayan Union [7] , The Malay Peninsula ( Semenanjung Tanah Melayu) composed of Straits Settlement (1786 — 1957) Federated Malay States and Un-federated Malay States, Malacca (1511 - 1402) and The Golden Chersonese. [8] Our culture today was influenced, moulded, and shaped through religions and colonialism. The cultural development is divided by Bahaudin, (1999:39) as:   i.Pre — history Era 2500 BC ii.Hindu — Buddha Influence Era 19t — 12th centuries AD iii.Islamic Civilization Influence Era 13th — 16th ce...