Scalper Scumbags

i have to admit, there will be losers everywhere. 

There will be losers, average useless idiots in every corner of whatever you do. What is worst is those average losers will leverage on what you did and take credit for it. 

anyway - here im talking one of the losers which are the scalpers. They are opportunists, bought everything and selling it higher in the secondary market. Its a chicken and egg issue here. They exists as there are buyers.

Buyers who dont have enough time, too busy for their own good ( like me ), not knowing that these products even exists until you stumbled upon them. 

Like these Delorean issued by Lego. Sold easily for half a grand in the market. Looks cool for the informal fans but seriously its super ugly.


I balked and walked away after seeing the price tag and nearly vomitted when the seller told me that its "rare" and all the related sales pitch. 

Now thanks to Lego modular brick design, fans easily able to build their own versions. So far, Dave Slater's design looks mighty fine. 

and here's mine. Took me quite awhile to crack the correct scale and build. 

Plus i wanted a Futaba Controller too.

and we have Yoda the Rascal using it as her biting pillow


seriously, honestly speaking - im not impressed with people ( losers ) who have tons of money, buying virtually everything and showing it off. Worst - having it still packaged in their box!!!! 


Kindly get a life. 




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