Super Sampah!!!

someone asked me - where did i get the money to produce my documentaries and short films.

I replied - i used my own fucking money. 

He "thought" i had a producer, asking for sponsorships 

I continued - fuck it man, if you want to do your work, come up with your own money, finance it by yourself. 

Worst is when people who are working full time, wanting to join in a project and wanted a piece of the cake by not contributing anything. 

I call this attitude - sampah.

Talking about sampah, let me show you a group of sampah. The sampah that is democratically elected by people. They already have everything, a roof on top of their head, fat stomach, allowances and monthly salary - still this is not enough for these sort of sampah. 

A former leader of the country, his wife, assistant and a bloody company that doesn’t know nuts about hybrid solar power collaborated and rewarded themselves with a contract worth 1.25billion. What is worst is - they took opportunity in a project that involves education.

The contract to light up 369 schools located deep in the jungles Sarawak. 

Here's an example of a dilapidated  school in Sarawak.


Even the former Education Minister asking a slice of the cake – asking for 20% commission rates. 



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