Lets Talk about Numbers.
Normally I avoid reading viral shit post – but this caught my eye. An idiot accidentally made someone pregnant. Parent of the idiot willing to fork out RM20K cash to help them start out with.The Pregnant lady declined “The problem is, I’m a little demanding. I don’t need money, wine, a new house, car or even gifts. All I want is a half-carat ring, wedding photos and a honeymoon trip.” The ring costs RM8,000, Dumb wedding photos would cost around RM3,000. Both planned to save money for their honeymoon as they can’t leave the country due to the RMCO. All of this ranged below RM20K unless they decided to go to Europe or something. Now she didn’t want to get married knowing their “attitude” now as she felt disrespected and not valued. Best she “rated” herself as a graduate with CGPA of 3.91 and a 7-7.5/10 looks-wise . In reality she is jobless due to RMCO, only 160cm in height and 50kg in weight, she adjusted the ratings giving herself an overall 6/...