Dont Feel Old

We cant control whatever that happens but we can control our decisions, actions and most importantly our decisions. Most of the time, i consciously evaluate what i could learn if i decide on doing the things i want to do. Its not about ego, self praise - but putting myself unto an extreme condition where how i could steer myself in a strange conditions, people and unpredictable challenges.

Its not about taking leap of faith or packing your bags to Himalaya to find yourself, its all about list of choices you made - in order to find yourself. Yes, again i had enough adults and endless societies saying this and that, giving sage advices ( when they are not ), in the end of the day - its all about how
WE ( You ) live your fucking life. 

from devastated Kelantan to hidden jungles of Pahang

From lecturing, curating, directing, producing, designing and building to writing something - all these crative processes are the same. It all end up with 5W and 1H, problem solving and complete action. No hesitations, endless procrastination and self doubt.

from the jungle to curating to saluting TUN the Main Man
from KL to Bangkok

All of us will undergo a maturity process, how new materials we did reflect of who we are. I realized that i made a mistake when i realized that when im working, all my performance are evaluated and judged by "someone"

in the end of the day - its all about walking the walk, enough talking.


So fuck it, its pretty fun when you are involved in projects that is defies categorizations and labels. Sure, of course we need money to pay our bills, but you crossed the line with full intention to contribute to the world, the universe will protect you. Its not a miracle, magic or coincidence - it's your belief system and giving it complete trust.

Life is extremely short - what matter is what we did. That is important.

May All of Us be Free from Mental Suffering
May All of Us be Free from Physical Suffering 
May All of Us be Free from Harm and Danger
May All of Us Be Well and Happy

and that is why i dont feel old.


  1. Thank you for writing this. Felt emotional reading this and you're an inspiration. ��


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