
sometimes its not about showing off your massive collections, be it in your art collection, books and or whatever. For me, finding solace from reality and general public is my own curated collections of books, films and yes toys. These three categories able to supply me a comfort zone, an avenue to escape from all those weird shit asses out there.

Talking about collecting and the collectors, it can be funny or painstakingly a bloody chore, everyone have their own preferences, so at times, it's better to agree to disagree or simply listen to their whimsical tales and what not.

For years, ive been cutting down massively of my collection, editing, donate and worst few thrown away - as i realized that i dont need alot of shit. At times, you questioned yourself why on earth i bought these at the first place. When these sort of questions raised, you know something needed to be done.

No doubt im a fan of Star Wars, but recently after Lucasfilm been purchased by Disney, the Mickey Mouse club go bonkers by releasing everything. Lucasfilm alone able to fund themselves for the prequel without any studio help as they got tons of profits through their merchandisings.

But seriously Star Wars is heading to an overkill.

Till today i dont know where the new trilogy is going and i couldn't give any shit at all. Everyone can be a jedi?

Yea right!

In my spring cleaning process, separating the stuffs i want and no longer need, it took me quite some time justifying why i should give them a room. Novelty, romanticism, sentimental values? I dont know how to put it.

But these two below shall remain in my fucking collection. 

In my Star Wars section, i realized that most of it is made out from Empire Strikes Back. Way better than A New Hope and of course gazilion times better than Return of The Jedi.

Luke the Farm Boy now is a hot shot hero, got unto a bad time and we have Ben Kenobi asking him to find Yoda where he can show and train him to the right path.

Yoda simply is a shorter version of Mr Miyagi. ( wax not included here )

Hell - a fucking puppet that talks non linear and should fail in any English class, Yoda made a fucking impression out from me and his significance grew larger. Most Star Wars fans will collect sabers, anything related to Vader ( from cookie jar to under-wears ), but Yoda and Luke in Dagobah is one fucking scene that stands out and subsequently gave the trilogy a bloody essence, meaning and spirit.

Its pretty cool too when Lucas have to call his former lecturer to direct Empire Strikes Back. 

Its disheartening knowing that Yoda showing Luke the way ( Luke's dad is the one who wipes off his Jedi Academy - slaughtered the young-lings ) In Buddhism - we called it karma and we need to repay our karma, so in this case, Yoda and Anakin is paying back what they had done.

All of us need a Yoda in our life, if we are lucky, we will get right one, the one who able to snap off our ego.

Rian Johnson seriously fucked all these up in The Last Jedi. At least he should cut off all the nonsensical scenes and invest more time and respect to the relationship between Luke and Yoda. 


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