
Its interesting the 80's made a huge comeback and is revengeful. TV shows such as Stranger Things mined romanticism and the analogue years like mad, even Wonder Woman sequel is set in 1984, Eddie Murphy came back with a bang with an excellent homage in Call Me Dolemite and yes Ghostbusters finally moved on to a deserving sequel.

while the world peppered with periodical disease like toxic masculinity,the ever recycled strong woman independent movement, confessional Me Too movement, Greta Thurnberg, Trump and not forgetting our silly non performing elected politicians, i simply shun it off and get myself a Dave Slater's 1989 excellent Batmobile.

Batman turned 80 this year, so everyone jump into the bandwagon, celebrate the Dark Knight - ironically with an excellent rendition of the Joker. Caltex offered cheap plastic Batmobiles every 2 weeks and Lego decided to release the 1989 Batmobile based on the design of Dave Slater.

Hello Dave - his MOC got all the right sweet curves, amazing!!!
So after the friendly pump assistant Bangladeshi stafff informed me that all the Batmobile sold off, i proceeded to get Dave Slater's 1989 Batmobile. Trust the opportunist China who able to knock off vitually everything - this retailed at MYR175 ( USD43 )

the 1989 Batmobile is one fucking sexy beast, designed by Anton Furst, this beast growls majestically in the gothic canvas directed by Tim Burton.

Lets have photos this time.

China took some effort in their packaging this time. Normally they will pack all the bricks in a single plastic....imagine the horror.
yes, even took time to print their packaging

and to remind us.

after 40 minutes

my favourite section - after Penguin took over the controls 

 Ok, i need dedicate this section for this - they took all the effort to print and number the packaging, but did a terrible shitty job in printing their building kit. Seriously i need to squint to see where goes where. Assholes. Same goes with all the agreement forms where they will print it so small to ensure you are not bothered to read them.

i took some liberty to replace the windshield, Lego practically build a new brick for the set.
man, the curves and nooks is perfect.
Ok - again this is not Lego's official product, Lepin knocked off Dave Slater's, the build is generally easy, but again due to all the bricks colored black, badly printed instructions, there are couple of sections pissed me off.

Is it value for your cheap Ringgit? 
Is it good looking?
Oh yes......
There is no absolute way for me to blow One Thousand bucks to buy Lego. 
better than Caltex?
no question!!!


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