Cheap Garbage

this year alone, it seems everywhere we have toy fest or collector's fest. These fest features people renting tables and sell their unwanted stuffs. Is that an enterprising spirit? Well i dont think so. Its like doing spring cleaning your house, rather than donating it away, lets try your luck - see if anyone buys it.

Now if the condition is good, at least moderate - im okay with it, but most of the flea market, toy fest and collector's fest - its filled with junks. Garbage priced exorbitantly high until you questioned it's existence. A real collector who people who shared similar hobbies will help each other out, giving away nice deals - most importantly making it valuable.

As we can see, SUPREME, a brand that came out from nowhere sprang out, thumbing its way unto consciousness by bringing extremely limited items, making the value higher in the secondary market, im fine with it - justifiable. But with garbage, tin signs from a bankrupt, closed shops? Run of the mill, mass produced cheap plastics like Hotwheels, Caltex Batmobile, Mcdonald's toy?

they are not lining up for food...but for Hello Kitty

lining up for hours for these.....?

You got to be kidding me.

I got good opportunities talking to shop supervisors and they told me the atrocities done when new shipment of Hotwheels came in, they will ram unto the shop, grab and sell it in the flea market in the following weekend. The prices jumped up to 400%.

so in order to survive in this moralistic business - you need to be fast and the moment they get it, they need to sell it. Same thing with current Caltex's where they are doing the Batman promotion where cheap plastic mass produced crap- retailed at RM14 is now sold three times higher. Dont get me wrong, if you need to purchase it, you have to pump 40 bucks worth of petrol and add RM14.90 for the cheap memorabilia garbage.

So each worth  RM51.90. 

Its sold out everywhere. Caltex operators said they got only 2 boxes of each and apparently its under-stocked. What excuse is this? If you want to do a promotion nationwide, at least do some feasible studies first.

Opportunists and "scalpers" exists and breathe in these ugly despicable conditions. I wonder and questioned what is their motive and their priorities. Greed? Fast money in this struggling times? They are not sellers full time, but cashing in for the benefit from others.

To be honest - your fast earned money wont get you to anywhere. 

Go and be a drug dealer? Hold on - Oh sorry, the drugs are controlled products and sold by legal dealers. 

see how much this clown selling it online
So imagine, all these ugliness turned to basic food supplies such as rice, cooking oils and sugar? Well again -  these are controlled and monopolized already, so people resort to other normal stuffs....but until to the stuffs where people simply buy and display it for fun in their car dashboards?

Give me a fucking break.

So now we have a shop called Jalan-Jalan Japan ( JJJ ). Its a place where they sell back pre-loved items from Japan. My goodness its filled with so much things and no doubt, Japanese consumerist culture is absurd. You name it, they have it. To be honest, i dont mind people buying it coz as they deserve better items in a cheaper price, but i found out and informed that scalpers and opportunists again strikes at this place.

so toy fest, collector's fest - or whatever shit fest is filled with cheaply obtained thrash turned to expensive garbage re-named and priced as "collector items" 

Seriously again, this attitude is despicable and atrocious. My question is - how much enough is enough for these losers?

I guess - not enough.  


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