The Real Heroes

lately i dont know why there are businessman's ( tycoons ) like to show themselves - shooting their own foot in the pre-text of being a nationalist, voicing concerns ( "care " ) about the country. With tons of money, its a shame that they dont have an inch of consciousness, logic in their material brains.

Well Koon Yew Yin - you said the military doesnt do anything except sleeping and eating.........listen here you old man ( forgive me as i always pay respect to the elders ) but you an exception, my late dad and the rest of the military guys gave their life for the sake of the nation. What we have today is due to their pledge of loyalty, honor and sacrifice to the country - so people like you can be fucking rich.

to property tycoon Lee Kim Yew, you need to know one bloody thing, no-one have the rights to desecrate our flag. You and your goon designer - reconsider this before trying to be fucking hero with your stupid concern. 

Right intentions will bear right actions.   

So both of you - No point saying sorry you dumb ass ( damage had been done ) - the statements you gave showed how freaking ungrateful you are. Kindly take all the material or titles and pathethic money and wealth - shove it right deep in your freaking ass.

Please remember being a "tycoon" or rich doesn't grant you any rights to comment or saying garbage.

The real heroes are the ones who did the job and move on. Not by giving dumb idiotic statements or asking someone to re-paint the jalur gemilang to show your frustation in the social media.

This is my country, the place im born - and knowing the soldiers and my dad contribute to a land i called HOME. If you dont like what is happening to the country, then do something coz everyone can comment ok.



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