Linear and Decisions

Most of us experience life as an linear progression but this is an ILLUSION because everyday, LIFE presents us a CHOICE to a new PATH. To go to work or Stay at home.
Each choice we take creates a NEW REALITY - Walter Bishop ( Fringe )

what do you mean by linear progression?

A Place Called Home Exhibit, Balai Seni Negara, 2018

So when you make your choices - your perception changes. YOU CHOOSE. Everyday gave us a chance to be a better  person. It doesnt have to be travelling to India or end of the world to find yourself, change jobs or whatever drastic abrupt changes as you can do it within.

Colin - Bandersnatch


Put it simply - this is my perception of heaven


while this my perception of what is HELL.

You dont have to DIE to experience this.

If you dont know what you are doing until now? You will soon. 

CHOOSE wisely!


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