Balls of Steel

International Women's Day - the day reminded me that WOMEN have a superhero ability which is carrying a baby for 9 months, 9 days. Mind you, the responsibility goes on to another 18 years of cooking, feeding, nurturing and whatever needed for the kid.

an impossible task and seriously i owe this to my mum, i cant repay back what she did until i kick the bucket.

with all this me too and times up movement going on,James Cameron got criticized when he mentioned that Wonder Woman a step backwards - it's funny - well let me remind everyone that his films ( Aliens and Terminator ) feature woman armed with balls of steel which can blow Jenkin's lame Princess Diana away in any given time.

Remember when and how Sarah Connor took care of John Connor like a lioness? Remember how Ripley kicked the Alien Queen's ass?

Here are few notable ones. 
Shosanna and The Bride. 

and yes.....who can forget these bad ass in Mad Max: Fury Road...a woman who is capable to drive the manual monster freaking behemoth War Rig, handled guns, protecting all the brides while going toe to toe with Max? Phewww!!!!!!!!

and then....before we wrap up, George Miller gave and blew us away when he introduced the Vuvalini's Riders.....

This post is dedicated to all my bad ass woman in my family. My Mum and my aunt, doesnt have any formal education, but manage to raise us up. 

mum with still missing nephew Charlie.

my aunt



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