
when you choose a name, it has meaning. Every parents knows this. That is why we have beautiful names ( until to the extend it takes seconds to pronounce them ). The word AMANAH is fulfilling or upholding trusts.

The word Amanah also means "The Trust" has a broader meaning. It is the MORAL responsibility of fulfilling one's obligations due to Allah ( GOD ) and fulfilling one's OBLIGATIONS due to Allah's (willing) servants (other people).

What is your Moral responsibility?

Your Obligations?

and NOW we have a political party that asking for donations for the coming elections. It can be from 1 to 15 ringgit.

i'm shaking my head while writing this.

sure, people can donate but What if this party lose? Any refunds?

lets rewind for a bit, i was aghast when the public donated money for Penang Minister Guan Eng's trial....but again - it was stated that 

"The money will be kept under the party custody and is to be refunded after the trial," Chow said in a press conference here.

thru the years i deal with NGO and community work, i always take note of the money used/spent in any missions. Sure- i dont question Malaysian's generosity here but what i need to highlight is when people donated for your own cause, it put a huge weight unto one's shoulder. It's other people's money, freaking huge responsibility.

its all the matters of taking responsibility. 

its like people complained about their jobs, complaint until end of the month - they still got paid. After that, start complaining back. Complaining endlessly while get paid..nice eh. Repeat, complaint and repeat back.

hish hish hish

for the rich, 15 bucks may sound nothing, but for the working class, blue collar guys - it means the world for them.

next time - just put a disclaimer for this drive.


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