Writing, Review and Reflection

alot of people will confuse when it comes to

1. opinion
2. giving their two cents
4. review
5. reflection
6. criticism
7. judgment
8. commentary

Before they do all of this, first of all - are they qualified?  Does their perception, evaluation have any weight? Do they know their role before giving out number 1 to 7? So when i was asked to view and to do a writing on my pal's latest exhibition, i took a deep breath before i do No 4 and No 5.

Forget the No 1, 2 and 3, 6 and 7 as everyone can give those freely without asking. Anyone from Uncle selling Yong Tau Foo, amateur artists and to auntie jual sayur can provide this. Anyway below are the snippets of my reflection of my pal's latest exhibition, i enjoyed seeing all the images displayed. The visuals displayed doesn't waste any of my time - in fact - reinforcing and putting some light that there are honest to goodness artists out there.

And of course, when they put effort in designing them nicely too....

Will upload my entire reflection on this soon.


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