Ego and Decision

Marvel did so many right decisions which turned them from nowhere to a world conquering money machine. They practically slapped us off from the seat by getting an outcast, putting in RDJ unto the suit and Jon Favreau serves us a reminder that they are off to something good.


Iron Man did so much good by giving us so much heart in the first Iron Man, when Tony found out Yinsen sacrificed himself to help him escape, Tony go berserk in the cave, slapping every one off who stands in his way. Every frame of Iron Man is cultivated carefully even though they started out without any shooting script.

Just like how Sam Raimi gave us an excellent roller-coaster ride in his Tobey Mcguire powered Spider-Man 2, the sequel which contains so many classic set -pieces. The sequel showed us the ever vulnerable heartbroken Peter, who needs to save New York.

The other Peter
Marvel continued her gigantic steps and with so many unknown directors under her spell. The most surprising ones are the Guardians of the Galaxy. Nobody knows who are they and mind you - it's like having Picasso with a blank canvas - cooking and serving something that beyond any human expectations.

The A-Holes is made of wonderful banquet of spacey dishes, peppered with Blue Swede Hooked on a Feeling, we get to ride unto an excellent horse to a galaxy, got to know Racoon, Thanos's daughter's, Drax and a talking tree. I realized i I didn't touched my popcorn and my coke until Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell's classic Aint No Mountain is High Enough blasted as a goodbye.

The Sequel
Trust me - if someone able to make the whole cinema laugh, cheering to a CGI tree - that's James Gunn. So in the sequel. Peter Quill got to know his dad - who is a celestial ( god-like ), aptly named EGO, fall in love with a woman before planting the cancer to his lover's brain, having intercourse with every known species in the galaxy just to fuel and ensure his existence and legacy will go on and on.

EGO is so full of himself until to the extend he cant sleep and he needs sleeping pill courtesy from Mantis.

The Guardians split unto two teams, with Drax and Gamora joins Peter to Ego's place, Rocket paired up with Yondu. Ok here's the thing, majority of us thought this sequel will expand Guardian's narrative but this time, the focus of the story is entirely focusing unto Yondu.

Yondu and the Ravagers got rich by working with Ego by getting and ferrying back all Ego's kids to him. Ego needs to find someone who able to generate the energy, his other children who failed - perish.

So Yondu didnt send Peter to his dad ( Ego ) coz he had enough of Ego's nonsense, Yondu trained the skinny Peter Quill to be one of the Ravagers, which soon we know that Peter ran away from him - causing Yondu got into difficult position the rest of the Ravagers- which includes Starhawk ( Slyvester Stallone ) and his crew.

while most critics blame the narrative is pretty messy - James Gunn foreshadow this Yondu angle nicely. But for me this sequel stands apart as James can choose to tell it directly, but he didnt. He gave us timely nudges and corner us to understand the bigger picture.

Rather than talking about Infinity stone, Thanos - the story revolves around the concept of being a DAD. The difference between having a Father and a Daddy.

Lets go back to Peter, he needs to make a decision to be a mortal or immortal. Choosing to be side by side with his long-lost dad or joining back to his "family" and at the same time learning to do with your HEART.

Yondu again saved Peter's ass but this time with a higher price.

He may have been your father, Quill, but he wasn't your daddy.

Losing my dad recently, my tears rolled down seeing how Yondu is sent off.

While other may say that this sequel is not as polished as the first one while matters of fan conversation focused upon those 5 Easter eggs and Adam Warlock ( who can kick Thanos's ass ), but the real winner here is one of the best, personal narrative in the MCU Universe.

Thank you James Gunn.


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