Star Wars-Trek

Leonard “Bones” McCoy, writer Simon Pegg and Justin Lim made Star Trek looks and feels like Star Wars should have...which is a good story and FUN!!! It's priceless when the Beastie Boys Sabotage blows everything away.

Simon Pegg did a brilliant job for not making it too Trekky - expanding and enriching the characters ( for years Star Trek is considered a more intellectual/sombre elder brother to Star Wars due to it's long winded narrative - talky set-pieces ( plus they are space scumbag colonialists - exploring uncharted hidden places and eventually place it under the Federation ).

Bones stole the whole show as he is a doctor and couldnt care less except the health level of the crews. His acute observation skills and grounded comments add humor - anchoring us in this narrative. Oh yes - i was looking out for the lovable Keenser too.

I simply wish that Star Wars should follow what Star Trek is going - giving us fun and adventure. Even though the original timeline is changed but they still pay respect to them. Its just way too bad when Star Wars is scrutinized - examined thoroughly - resulting in a safe, unoriginal, frustrating, predictable and the lame Force Awakens.

Things can be pretty awful when people have way too many expectations - resulting awful results due to many restrictions, meddling and other related nonsense. ( the awfully lousy Suicide Squad ). James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy made us happy after stepping out from the cinema, with me humming Aint No Mountain High Enough - as audiences and comic books readers have no clue of what it's going to be ( i told myself let's see how a talking raccoon going to convince me ). Same with the first Iron Man. A good entertaining narrative is what we need. I just hope Spielberg knows this before he going to shoot the next Indiana Jones.


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