Q - What is Wesak day? It's not public holiday. Wesak is the day Prince
Siddharta ( Indian Prince ok ) was born, got enlighten - achieved
Nirvana ( a state where he no longer will be reborn/ the word the Buddha
means the awakened one ) and the day he passed away. All in the same
Q - Do you need to be a monk to be Good?
A - No need - practice "goodness" every day cukup already.
Q - How?
A - Be happy la...
Q - How to be in a "present moment"?
A - stop thinking wahahahahah
Q -can you give me an example?
A - do you think when you eating when you are really hungry? being in a present moment is like you in heaven. You dont have to die to experience heaven.
Q - How?
A - my definition of heaven is seeing my nephew and my mom cheering John Cena whacking out the Big Show.
Q - what is your definition/visual of heaven?
A - ....................................
The Awakened One, oil on canvas, 2010 |
Q - Do you need to be a monk to be Good?
A - No need - practice "goodness" every day cukup already.
Q - How?
A - Be happy la...
Q - How to be in a "present moment"?
A - stop thinking wahahahahah
Q -can you give me an example?
A - do you think when you eating when you are really hungry? being in a present moment is like you in heaven. You dont have to die to experience heaven.
Q - How?
A - my definition of heaven is seeing my nephew and my mom cheering John Cena whacking out the Big Show.
Q - what is your definition/visual of heaven?
A - ....................................
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