Siti Nurbaya

It's extremely disturbing and sad seeing this in a freaking musuem.....when you grow up with this....…/peranakan-objects-find-new-ho… - it's meant to be LIVED and Experienced!!!!! Not to be GAZED UPON!!!!!

You can read more why my heart died a little here


me with my awesome late grandma

The late Ismail Zain wrote a beautiful article entitled Siti Nurbaya, here is a "portion" of it. Cantik gila...

Siti Nurbaya tiada lagi..pupus bersama-sama gajah mastodon,burung kondor dan pelbagai dinasor, Dia anak kandung alam, bebas dari segala bahan penaik, keseluhuran Siti Nurbaya adalah ORIGINAL.Hanya memorinya sahaja yang tinggal dalam kelisanan atau orality.

Further readings -


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